Monday, September 8, 2008

It's on!

The big Greenberg just e-mailed me your name suggestions for
The Contest to Name The Mascot!!!

All of you are brilliant and some of you are jerks.

Note the difference between "Whitey McBaldstein" or "Alan Greenspan" and something like "Mascot Schwarzenegger" (my suggestion).

I would however, like to thank Ted Greenberg for not including the recent audience mascot name suggestion "Douche Laser".

How he says this works: By Friday September 12 @ 11:59 pm, send Greenberg ( your top choice.

Everyone gets a vote & you've gotta vote for a selection other than your own.

And the choices are...

“Kid Complete” (Jeremiah Bosgang)

Ted Zeppelin (Sean Altman);

Buckwheat (Suzette Simon);

Doug (Peter Marsh);

Ed Greenberg (Max Darwin);

Captain Improv (Susan Guidi);

Mr. Id (Jimmy Asnes);

Joe Bubble (Chris Beane);

Homunculus (George Bischof);

The All Mighty Greenberg (Alison Forns);

Headache (Katrina Borgstrum);

Cousin Marvin (David Minsky);

Kid Friendly (Lauren DeGeorge);

Alan Greenspan (Robert Hochberg);

The Masked Musician (Alfie Heinemann);

Smarty McPants (Clare Childress);

Ro Gain (Clint Greenbaum);

Soylent Green-berg (Steve Cohen);

The Lawman (Jeffrey Freymann-Weyr);

Mr. Tedberg (Angry Bob);

Ted numero dos (Hailey Boyle);

The off-velvet Fog (Simon Mandel);

Brett Favre (Jason Greenberg);

Rush More (Michael Downer):

Napolean (David Fuhrer):

Melonhead Ted (Bruce Pross);

Terry Bradshaw (Dave Gerstein);

T-Daddy (Berit Costa);

TED HEADROOM (Alex Levinsohn);

Ted’s Head (Stian);

MASCOTMOi (Tracy Veal);

Ted Greenberg (Elizabeth Margid);

Big Head Ted (Charlie Kasov, Master Lee);

Treenberg (JoAnna Beckson);

Wedgie (Alex Steyermark);

Stavros (Rich Kind);

Dickie (Matt Wayne);

Ted Head (Jennifer Bitman);

Teddy Nosofelt (Stephanie Holmes);

Nell Carter (Darrah Feldman);

Baldy the Pirate (Simon Lovell);

Dr. Fuzzy (Brandon Guyla);

Whitey McBaldstein (Soce);

Mr. Dickie (Gary Rudoren);

Greeny T (Betsy Cedar);

Jimmy Hoffa (Eva Heinemann);

Ascot the Mascot (Sean Altman);

Trevor (Erez Kreitner);

Portnoy (Rick Patrick);

T-lite (Stephen Fischbach)

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